J words for scrabble
J words for scrabble

j words for scrabble

Jackfish – Noun | A pike, especially a northern pike Jockeying – Verb | Maneuvering for position or advantage 8-Letter Words Jobseeker – Noun | An unemployed person who is actively searching for work Janissary – Noun | A loyal, submissive supporter or soldier (also spelled janizary) Jackknife – Noun | A dive in which the diver folds in half and then straightens out before reaching the water Jumproping – Verb | Playing a children’s game that involves jumping over a revolving rope 9-Letter Words Johnnycake – Noun | Bread made from cornmeal Jaywalking – Noun | The act of crossing the street in an unsafe or illegal way Jawcrusher – Noun | A device that crushes rocks between two jaws (also spelled jaw crusher) Jointedness – Noun | The state or condition of having joints 10-Letter Words

j words for scrabble

Joblessness – Noun | The state of having no job, unemployment Jocoserious – Adjective | Mixing humor and seriousness (British English) Jacklighted – Verb | Hunted by illuminating fish or game with a flashlight Junketeering – Verb | Going on extravagant trips at at the government or another’s expense 11-Letter Words Judicatorial – Adjective | Pertaining to the administration of justice Japonaiserie – Noun | Art made in a Japanese style Jactitation – Noun | Jerking, twitching of the body in illness Justification – Noun | Vindication 12-Letter Words Jellygraphing – Verb | Making copies of writing using a pan of gelatin Jawdroppingly – Adverb | In a manner that causes surprise or astonishment (also spelled jaw-droppingly) Jargonisation – Noun | The act of including jargon in a text or language (also spelled jargonization) Jurisdictional – Adjective | Pertaining to the power to carry out legal judgements or enforce laws 13-Letter Words Journalization – Noun | The process of keeping records, especially financial records (also spelled jounalisation) Jingoistically – Adverb | In a manner marked by extreme nationalism and aggressive foreign policy

j words for scrabble

Jerrymandering -Verb | Dividing electoral districts so that one political party has an unfair advantage (also spelled gerrymandering) Juxtapositional – Adjective | Pertaining to the comparison of two items placed side-by-side 14-Letter Words Juxtaglomerular – Adjective | Positioned next to a kidney glomerulus

j words for scrabble

Justifiableness – Noun | The state or quality of being excusable Jurisprudential – Adjective | Pertaining to the science of philosophy of law Here are some words that start with J 15-Letter Words

J words for scrabble